1.我的 Linux 系統上面老是出現問題,他有一個錯誤訊息為『fatal: SASL per-connection security setup』請幫我找出可能的原因為何?
# 上面的動作在建立 Makefile 囉!其中那個 -CCARGS 後面接的 -DUSE_SASL_AUHT
# -I/usr/local/cyrus-sasl2/include/sasl 其中 -I 後面的路徑就是 SASL2 的
# 函式庫所在的目錄喔!請依照您安裝的 sasl2 目錄所在而定!
[root@test postfix-2.0.4]# make
# 就是開始編譯啦!過程有點久喔!如果有出現任何 Error 時,
# 請將 error 仔細的查看一下吧!通常最大的原因都是一些
# include 檔案沒有安裝,也就是某些重要的套件沒有安裝之故,
# 例如 pcre.h 這個檔案就是一個例子囉!
# 解決的方法就是將該缺乏的套件安裝進去系統啦!
# 如果是 Red Hat 9 的話,可以這樣下達指令:
# make makefiles CCARGS="-DUSE_SASL_AUTH -I/usr/include/sasl" \
# AUXLIBS="-L/usr/lib/sasl2 -lsasl2"
# 因為 Red Hat 9 的 SASL2 路徑在 /usr/include/sasl ,這裏要特別的強調,
# 否則由於 Red Hed 9 同時提供 Cyrus SASL 1.5.x 以及 2.x.x 的版本,
# 可能會造成程式的誤判,那麼很可能會出現下列的錯誤喔:
# fatal: SASL per-connection security setup
# 上面的錯誤訊息出現在 /var/log/maillog 中!
2.Windows的作業系統當中,老是自動出現一個名為internet optimizer的軟體,我想要知道他是什麼,可以怎麼找?
Internet Optimizer, also known as
DyFuCA is a
spyware program which redirects
Internet Explorer error pages to advertising pages. When users follow a broken link or enter an erroneous URL, they see a page of advertisements. However, because password-protected Web sites (HTTP Basic authentication) use the same mechanism as HTTP errors, Internet Optimizer makes it impossible for the user to access password-protected sites.
It is classified as a "
Browser Helper Object" or BHO, and as such, it loads whenever MS Internet Explorer starts and is not detected by firewalls or anti-virus software, as it is seen as a legitimate part of the application. It is also classified as a "downloader" which can download, install and run software on the victim's computer without their permission.
answer: This question has no formal answer!!!